Percentage of Americans Living Below Poverty Line Explodes Under ‘Bidenomics’

Historically, there have been headlines that heralded the demise of a presidential campaign. One immediately thinks of “Dewey Defeats Truman” from The Chicago Daily Tribune of November 3, 1948.

But in 2023, the headline that signals the end of the Biden-Harris administration seems to have come well before election day with The New York Post offering on Sep. 14th “It’s STILL The Economy Stupid!” echoing the famous 1992 quip from James Carville, an adviser to then-President-elect Bill Clinton.

The Post, among other outlets, made the case after a Tuesday report from the U.S. Census Bureau showed the number of Americans living under the poverty line has increased for the first time in three years.

As The Western Journal reported, citing the Census Bureau report obtained by USA Today, in the year 2022, 12.4 percent of the American people lived either at or below the federally designated poverty level, almost double the 2021 figure of 7.8%.

The data could be the death knell for the Biden campaign’s 2024 aspirations due to the most damningly obvious figure of all: the inflation-adjusted median household income, despite the protestations of Biden that his ‘Bidenomics’ plan is working, fell by 2.3 percent year-over-year from 2021-22.

The median U.S. household’s income dropped from $76,330 to $74,580, a total of $1,750. Since its pre-COVID peak, a year before Biden was sworn in, it has dropped a precipitous 4.7%, a drop of more than $4,000, according to The New York Post.

Zachary Parolin, a professor at Columbia University and author of the book “Poverty in the Pandemic: Lessons from COVID-19,” told USA Today,

“After three consecutive years of the lowest poverty rates on record, the streak is now broken.”

As is often done, the Post laid out the situation in very human terms citing the lived experience of a selection of New Yorkers. The outlet said: “The result has caused many cash-strapped New Yorkers to go out less, buy cheaper groceries, borrow from their family to pay rent – and even consider a move to Canada to escape the crushing impact of the administration’s touted Bidenomics, The Post found.”

The Post told the story of Recess Hyde, a 34-year-old man from Bushwick, Brooklyn working two jobs to get by and feeling the pinch in the dating world where he has to scrutinize menus online before taking a woman out to dinner. “I feel it in my dating life,” he explained. “I’ve cut back on girls.”

A more common experience was given by 62-year-old Tselane Stevens, who relocated to Midwood, Brooklyn, from Virginia in August after failing to see a pay raise for three years. She had to turn to her family to help with rent and get groceries at a food bank.

Finance company LendingTree observed the phenomenon of families reconsolidating into multi-generational households in 2022, reporting that nearly a third of all millennials and GenZ Americans moved back in with their parents during the COVID-19 panic, and most still live there.

Stevens told The Post, “I don’t think Biden’s paying a lot of attention to the economy.”

“He’s paying more attention to what’s happening internationally than what’s going on right here in New York. He’s paying a lot of attention to Ukraine — that’s where all the money’s going.”

As previously reported by Explain America, an emotional former President Trump told supporters in South Dakota on Sep. 9th:

“South Dakota is the state where Lewis and Clark discovered the American workers,” the former president said. “It’s where generations of hunters and trappers, cowboys, ranchers, miners, farmers, workers, and craftsmen helped build America into the greatest nation in the history of the world.”

“But now, we are a nation in decline,” he said as music started to play. “We are a failing nation. We are a nation that has the highest inflation in 50 years. Where banks are collapsing. Interest rates are through the roof. Likewise, we are a nation where energy costs have reached the highest in our history. Where we are no longer energy independent or energy dominant as we were just a short number of years ago.”

He described many of the Biden policies he believes will destroy the nation like not drilling for oil; the “fake” Green New Deal that he believes is going to “lead to our country’s destruction”, and the push to promote electric cars that “can’t go far, cost too much, and whose batteries are produced in China with materials only available in China.”

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