Fox Business Accused Of Deliberately Hiding Trump Lead In Polls

Some Fox Business viewers were furious when it appeared that the network attempted to obfuscate the massive lead former President Donald Trump has on Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the Republican presidential nomination.

And it also appeared that they attempted to hide the lead that the former president has on President Joe Biden of two points in the poll, Newsmax reported.

The outlet noted:

Trump led Biden by 2 points 48%-46% in the Fox News poll, but the on-screen graphic shown by Fox Business listed Biden’s lower support first next to Trump’s name, suggesting Trump was trailing the incumbent when he was actually leading.

Also, Fox, which is continually ridiculed by Trump for being pro-DeSantis, listed DeSantis versus Biden right below, showing Biden’s 47% support next to DeSantis’ name — ostensibly suggesting DeSantis was drawing a 3-point lead despite having mere 44% support and trailing Biden and doing worse than Trump.

The former president was furious with the way the poll was presented and complained about it on his Truth Social platform.

“Why won’t Fox (Fox & Friends!) show the National Poll that THEY just did. They refuse to put it up, even after spending all of that money. SHOW THE POLL!!! If they don’t show it, I’ll put it up later!” he said.

In another poll, this one done by ABC News, the former president has grown a massive lead and is ahead of President Biden by a whopping 10 points.

The outlet said:

Head-to-head in a hypothetical November 2024 matchup, Trump has 51% support while Biden has 42% — numerically up 3 points for Trump and down 2 points for Biden from an ABC/Post poll in February, shifts that are not statistically significant.

There’s even less change from the most recent ABC/Post poll in May, which had the race at 49-42% (again with a different, but comparable, question wording). Still, with Trump inching over 50% — and other polls showing a closer contest — a close look is warranted.

The former president also commented on the news that former Fox News Chairman Rupert Murdoch has resigned, and some people have said it was because of him.

“Many people are saying that, “You forced Rupert Murdoch into retirement!” I do not believe this is so, but while we’re at it, how about getting rid of “Democrat” Mitch McConnell, who gives the Radical Left Lunatics, together with his small band of automatic “yes” votes, EVERYTHING they want. There is ZERO Republican Leadership in the United States Senate. MAGA!!!” he said.

The CEO informed the network’s staff in a letter on Thursday in which he announced the change.

“I am writing to let you all know that I have decided to transition to the role of Chairman Emeritus at Fox and News,” he said.

“For my entire professional life, I have been engaged daily with news and ideas, and that will not change. But the time is right for me to take on different roles, knowing that we have truly talented teams and a passionate, principled leader in Lachlan who will become sole Chairman of both companies. Neither excessive pride nor false humility are admirable qualities. But I am truly proud of what we have achieved collectively through the decades, and I owe much to my colleagues, whose contributions to our success have sometimes been unseen outside the company but are deeply appreciated by me,” the former Chairman said.

“Whether the truck drivers distributing our papers, the cleaners who toil when we have left the office, the assistants who support us, or the skilled operators behind the cameras or the computer code, we would be less successful and have less positive impact on society without your day-after-day dedication. Our companies are in robust health, as am I. Our opportunities far exceed our commercial challenges. We have every reason to be optimistic about the coming years – I certainly am, and plan to be here to participate in them,” he said.

“In my new role, I can guarantee you that I will be involved every day in the contest of ideas,” he said.

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