I seriously had no idea of this method

If you’re looking for a natural way to freshen your home, try mixing vinegar, salt, and water in a glass. This simple solution can help “neutralize odors” and improve air quality. Here’s how you can create it:

Ingredients & Preparation You’ll need a glass, water, white vinegar, salt, and a spoon. Fill the glass halfway with water, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Stir until the salt dissolves. Place the glass in any room where you want fresher air.

How It Works Vinegar, being “primarily acetic acid,” reacts with salt to release ions that capture airborne particles causing unpleasant smells.

Benefits Within hours, you’ll notice odors like “cooking smells, pet odors, and mustiness” fading, creating a fresher environment.

Safety Tips Keep the mixture out of reach of children and pets, and be mindful of any vinegar allergies.

Conclusion This easy mixture offers a natural, eco-friendly way to freshen the air, though it’s not a substitute for proper cleaning and ventilation. Give it a try for “a cleaner living environment.”

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