Pet Dog Saves Little Boy From Attacking Dog – Very Inspirational Video:

This is an incredible rescue video to witness. In this clip, a pet dog saves a little boy from an attacking dog.

At the start of this inspirational video, we see a boy playing with his dog. They appear happy, just enjoying their front yard in their neighborhood like any other day. The young boy in the pink shirt is running after his fellow pet friend and playing.
When things seem ok, the boy is momentarily on his own, and a large black dog begins charging him out of nowhere from the street. It is a terrifying moment not knowing what is about to happen to the sweet boy. Suddenly, just as the enemy dog approaches, the pet German Shepherd comes to the rescue and jumps in front of the boy.
The little boy is curled up on the ground as his pet jumps and attacks back at the enemy dog. The boy then gets up and begins to run. He stumbles on the hill. The other dog tries to attack again, but the German Shepherd charges at him again, and the boy runs the other way.
Then, a man who apparently owns the attack dog comes in and gets the dog away at the edge of the driveway while the German Shepherd keeps watch, and the boy runs to his mom, who came to help.

The situation would have been a lot worse had the pet pup not been there to protect the boy. It truly was a heroic act and such a relief.
When we feel attacked in our Christian walks, we can know that God is there guarding us and protecting us with the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We do not have to be afraid of the enemy’s charge because we are sealed with the Spirit of God.

In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

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